Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dog Training At Home Tips And Techniques By Robert Weiner

Robert Weiner

Teaching your dog acceptable behavior patterns and tricks is not difficult using techniques proven by dog training experts. Dogs are intelligent and loyal, but it takes time for them to learn your ‘language’ and the meaning of your words. With patience and persistence, you can easily teach him your desired conduct, and create a close bond with your dog.

The most important aspect of dog training is consistency. To have a well-behaved dog, everyone who cares for or is normally in close contact with your dog should know the proper commands. Always use the same word for a desired action. If you teach him to lie down using the word ‘down’, do not expect him to get off the sofa with the command ‘down’. Using the command ‘stay’ one day and ‘wait’ the next, will only cause frustration and confusion in your dogs mind. Dogs are intelligent enough to learn hundreds of commands, but single word commands are easier for dogs to learn and understand. Be uniform in meting out punishment as well. Hit of miss punishment is very counterproductive to good behavior.

Let your dog know you are pleased with him by showing him happiness and affection. Petting and play tell him he is a good dog. When punishment is due, a strong harsh word will let him know you are not happy with his action. Hitting your dog will make him fear you and cause aggressive behavior.

Your dog is naturally a pack animal, and for him to be well adjusted he needs to feel like he is part of your “pack”. A dog cannot feel part of your pack if you keep him isolated and only let him out on occasion to mingle with the family. The only way for your dog to feel part of the pack and to learn the “pack order” is for him to live with the family. Living with the family, your dog will learn his place in the group especially relating with children.

Playtime, walks, and exercise are a vital part of a dog’s life to prevent him from becoming bored, mischievous, and destructive due to pent up energy. To keep your dog from getting lonely, take him to meet the neighbors and their dogs. Chewing, incessant barking, digging are signs of stress, boredom, and frustration. If he chews, make sure he has plenty of chew toys, or give him raw bones. For digging, provide a place in the yard where he can dig without destroying your garden. Vary his routine every now and then by letting him spend a day at doggy day care so he can meet new friends. An occasional trip to a dog park will do wonders for your dog’s disposition.

A happy, well-behaved, well-adjusted dog will be your reward for patience and consistency in your dog training efforts.


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