Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Pet In Your Life By Jean DAndrea

Jean DAndrea

I can't imagine a life without pets: can you? Even when I was a child, there were always animals around. Perhaps just a goldfish, or a rabbit, but animals just the same.

Pets are great for teaching children how to care for something properly. Of course, you'll have to make sure the child keeps up the care after the novelty wears off! It's good to get them to be responsible, and a pet is, after all, another life. That's a huge responsibility!

Pets will also teach your child about mortality. It's heartbreaking when a much loved pet dies, or has to be put down, but that's also a lesson best learned early. I remember being very upset at five, when Snowy, my rabbit, died. We buried her in the garden, and said our goodbyes - a good way to teach a child closure.

Many hospitals and retirement homes now have pets, either resident or visiting. They are great therapy for the patients, calming them, and giving them an interest in life. Sometimes the animal visitors are the only reason a patient will speak!

You may find, when you go to a Doctor or Dentist, that there is a tank of fish in the waiting room. Not just for decoration - it's been found to be very relaxing. Personally, I get very uptight visiting the dentist. Watching fish swimming peacefully in their own little world does help me to cope with the thought of that drill and those horrible instruments.....

Pets often have personalities of their own, and are very rewarding to watch and interact with. At the moment, I have two hens, who love to be let out of their pen into the garden. They are currently redesigning (i.e. wrecking) everything to their own satisfaction, unfortunate for the plants, but the hens are having a terrific time! They're particularly fond of snails, and will steal them from each other with alacrity.

I also have an ageing cat, Tia, who believes she owns the house, and me, her slave! When I'm working in my study, Tia will come and meow continuously at me to come and let her out. All very well, however, she has a perfectly adequate cat door, and is very capable of letting herself out. She just prefers my attention and door opening abilities. Just call me a cat valet!

You've heard the saying, 'Dogs come when you call, cats take a message, and might get back to you'? Well, that just about covers it!

I don't have a dog now, but they are completely different in personality to cats - they want to be with you, and be your friend all the time, whereas cats choose their moments, and your moment had better suit them! Don't know what that makes me, but I much prefer cats - perhaps I'm an independant person too?

Whichever animal you choose to have in your home and your life, they will bring you much pleasure. Sure, there is some work involved in having a pet, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. In my opinion, of course, but then, I'm a pet lover, and have been all my life.


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